Brightest object in the universe discovered by astronomers
Intense shine
The brightness of this quasar must be spectacular, especially considering the massive amount of energy released by the black hole as it devours the surrounding material. It is like a cosmic powerhouse, emitting enormous amounts of light and radiation as it consumes matter in its accretion disk. This luminous intensity can be so great that quasars sometimes outshine even the entire galaxies that host them. Fascinating, isn't it?
Lighthouse in space
Quasars can be considered true cosmic “lighthouses,” emitting an incredible amount of energy and light that makes them visible from vast distances in the universe. They shine brightly, illuminating the cosmos with their energy while revealing the most extreme processes occurring in the hearts of distant galaxies. Just as a lighthouse guides sailors at sea, quasars provide us with insights into the mysteries of the universe and help us better understand the most extreme astrophysical phenomena.