
10 popular meaningless expressions used around the world


1. “Chover no nervoso” (Portuguese) – means to say something obvious or redundant.
2. “Take the bull by the horns” (Portuguese/Spanish) – means to face a problem head on.
3. “A piece of cake” (English) – means something very easy.
4. “A la fuerza ahorcan” (Spanish) – means to do something by force, against one’s will.
5. “Donner sa langue au chat” (French) – means to give up guessing something.
6. “Make a mountain out of a molehill” (Portuguese) – means to exaggerate a small situation.
7. “To add insult to injury” (English) – means to make an already bad situation worse.
8. “Jeter de la poudre aux yeux” (French) – means to try to deceive someone with something superficial.
9. “Estar no mundo da lua” (Portuguese/Spanish) – means to be distracted or inattentive.
10. “Llamar al pan, pan y al vino, vino” (Spanish) – means to call things by their correct name, without beating around the bush.