5 facts about the loggerhead shrike, the bird that 'impales' its prey on barbed wire
2. **Feeding and hunting method**: A striking characteristic of this bird is its peculiar hunting technique. It captures insects, small mammals, birds and reptiles, and impales them on thorns, branches or even barbed wire. This behavior serves not only to store food, but also to facilitate the feeding process, allowing the Loggerhead Shrike to tear its prey apart more easily.
3. **Migration**: Some populations of Loggerhead Shrikes are migratory, traveling great distances during the seasons. However, many individuals are permanent residents in their ranges.
4. **Physical Description**: The Loggerhead Shrike has a distinctive appearance, with a black hood on its head contrasting with its greyish body. Its tail is long and its upright posture is a striking feature as it watches and hunts its prey.
5. **Territorial Behavior**: These birds are territorial and will vigorously defend their territories against intruders. During the breeding season, males establish territories and exhibit courtship behaviors, such as singing and performing flight displays, to attract females. After mating, both parents collaborate in building the nest and raising the chicks.
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